5/14/2019 0 Comments Strawberries (In a container)![]() When planting space the sprout 10- 12 inches apart, I'm only doing one plant this year, this will all the plant room to grow. The soil must always be damp. Strawberry plant should get anywhere from 8-18 inches long, and take 90 days to mature. they can live up to 5-6 years.
7/11/2017 0 Comments Newest cropsCornPlant seeds two weeks after last frost. Plant seeds 1 inch deep and 8 to 12 inches apart. Requires full sun and soil must be well drained and have constant moisture. Matures in 60days Plants will grow up to 5ft tall cob size 7inches long SquashRequire full light
fruit size 6inches long Matures in 53 days Plant size 3ft wide and 2ft tall keep soil moist Squash can experience blossom end rot, where developing fruit starts to rot. 10/15/2016 0 Comments Gardening tipsCherry tomatoes require full sun 6+ hrs. daily., they both need 36 inches of space between each plant. Both Maturity: 65 Days Jalapenos They require full sun and 6+ hrs. daily. When you plant your sprouts make sure there is 18- 24 inches of space between each sprout. Maturity: 75 days Boston pickling cucumbers
Full sun 6+ hrs. daily. these sprouts require 36 inches of space between each sprout. Maturity: 55 days |